⧓An Interview⧓

     For this blog post, I interviewed my a few of my aunts. I asked music related questions. I hope you enjoy!


Who is your favorite musical artist?
Bob Dylan
What is your favorite song by them?
Don't think twice; It's alright
Why do you like them?
I like him because of his lyrics Were you in band/orchestra/chorus in school?
I was in chorus and played flute
Do you remember what you performed?
Some Beatles songs and that's all I remember


Who is your favorite musical artist?
Bob Dylan or Eric Clapton
What is your favorite song by them?
I don't have a favorite
Why do you like them?
I like the lyrics he write (Bob Dylan) and he's and excellent guitarist (Eric Clapton) Were you in band/orchestra/chorus in school?

I was not but I play piano now


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